The productions revolve in an encrypted way around the repressed and oppressed, the experience of violence and trauma. They are characterized by examining the unconscious, dreaming and dealing with the “uncanny”. Each production tries to examine the incoherence of our relationship with the world in an individual way.
Giving space for obscure fantasies, uncovering the strange, the supposedly “abnormal”, the “foreign” in our lives is an essential source of inspiration. Social processes of exclusion and otherness are reflected on.
The supposed coherent construction of the subject is deconstructed through fragility, strangeness and artificiality in the work process and in the selection of aesthetic means in order to break habitual modes of perception and perspectives.
UNTIEFE a depthless place (2023)
Mandragora (2021)
IMPRINT [Versuche zur Abwesenheit] (2019)
TRICKSTER – Fang mich, wenn du kannst! (2017)
/SÉANCE/ Sequenzen zur Deutung des Unsichtbaren (2015)
„Creation of uncanny matter“ (2012)
„Under Milk Wood“ von Dylan Thomas (2011)
Touring History:
19. & 20. Int. Figurentheater Festival Erlangen (DEU)
Int. Figurentheater- festival Imaginale (DEU)
Fidena Festival Bochum (DEU)
Theaterfestival figura Baden (CHE)
Puppentheatertage Mistelbach (AUT)
Int. Figurentheaterfestival Blickwechsel Magdeburg (DEU)
Unidram Potsdam (DEU)
Solniki 44 (POL)
Jerusalem Puppet Festival (ISR)
Materia Magica Puppet Festival (LIT)
TIP Festival (FIN)
Tallinn Treff (EST)
Act Festival Bilbao (ESP)
Fritz – Wortelman Preis 2015 der Fidena und Stadt Bochum
Act Festival Bilbao : Mentioning for best creation 2022