Workshops with Matej Forman at Festival of Wonder 2013
In connection with the exhibit “Theater in Movement - People and Puppets on Stage” there will be 6 “backstage tours”. The guide will be Matej Forman, who along with his crew, created the grandiose set designs which are typical of the theatre. In 2000 Theatre Forman Brothers performed “The Purple Sails” on a moving theatre, a rebuilt river barge, 72 meters long. It is still a functioning theatre boat.
In 2009 the theatre received the Alfred Radok award for best performance for ‘Obludarium’ and in 2013 Matej Forman received the Radok award for best scenic design for the opera Carokraj at the National Theatre.The Radok award is the highest recognition for theatre art in the Czech Republic.
The workshops will take place during Festival of Wonder November 7th – November 10th 2013. Tickets for the workshop may be bought August 19th 2013.
Tickets and and information: