12th International Puppet Theatre Festival, LUTKE 2014
12 – 16 September 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The International Puppet Theatre Festival LUTKE (biennial) is to present fresh, quality and diverse puppet, object and visual theatre performances, created at the crossroads of the traditional puppetry and new experimenting of the puppet media. The lively festival happening will be as usually spiced up by a number of accompanying events, master classes, exhibitions and street actions.
The LUTKE 2014 Festival will showcase 27 performances from 14 countries - among many others, companies such as the BLind SumMiT (England), Figuren Theater Tübingen (Germany), Wakka Wakka Productions (USA), Engineering Theatre “AKHE” (Russia), Yael Rasooly (Israel), La Compagnie À (France), Naivní divadlo Liberec (Czech Republic), Teatro Gioco Vita (Italy), Block Theatre (Finland), TJP – Centre Dramatique National d’Alsace Strasbourg (France), Bubat Theatre (Israel), A Tarumba – Teatro de Marionetas (Portugal), ...
From 11 to 15 September a five-day masterclass workshop “Behind the Screen” will be held by one of the greatest masters of the shadow theatre Fabrizio Montecchi within the EPKE Project (European Puppetry Knowledge Exchange).
The festival will also host the meeting of the artistic directors and selectors of the important European puppet theatre festivals to be held at the Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, on Monday, 15 September 2014 at 11 am.
Organiser: Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana / Ljubljana Puppet Theatre