Free Artists' Blog against cultural rollback in Hungary

31. Januar 2013


Recent legislative steps in Hungary (end of 2012) point towards the authoritarian transformation of the institutional structures and funding system of cultural life, by giving an ultra conservative artist group (MMA – Hungarian Academy of Arts*) close to the rightwing government an unassailable position of power. As a result of these decisions, the government has endangered the long term autonomy, professionalism and democratic procedures of Hungarian contemporary art.

(*e.g.: MMA President György Fekete demanded that no member of the academy should be allowed "to lack the genetic feeling of nationalism.")


This is why this blog was started, and it serves two purposes:

- to provide a news archive and a forum for Hungarian art professionals in order to join their forces in the hope of stopping the actual processes
- to provide actual and background information in European languages (mostly English) about the above mentioned cultural developments. In this respect it addresses all the artists of the world, cultural writers, curators and any international media professionals dealing with art issues.

siehe auch:

offenen Brief des Burgtheaterintendaten Mathias Hartmann mit Elfriede Jelinek u.a.

Die rechten Ideengeber    und  Protestvideo der freien Theatermacher Ungarns